There is no truth to the rumor that Ken plied me with expensive single-malt to get this posted; truth to tell, it was a cheap but smooth blend, and he didn't so much ply me as grumble "there's scotch, there's the ice. What am I, a waiter?"

I asked Ken about working on the episode. How did it go?
"Are you kidding? I got to spend the day with BRISCO COUNTY!"
I should note that Ken and I are fans of Campbell, and have had the occasional Bruce Campbell film festival. Well, actually, we got real drunk while watching BUBBA HOTEP. But a good time was had!
BURN NOTICE airs tomorrow night at 10:00pm eastern time. The show is the best thing to happen to South Florida since MIAMI VICE. Shot on location, you'll see many local actors filling out the cast; in fact, I've already plugged Paul Tei on this show in the past: Ken was a founding member of Tei's Madcat Theatre Company.
BURN NOTICE airs tomorrow night at 10:00pm eastern time. The show is the best thing to happen to South Florida since MIAMI VICE. Shot on location, you'll see many local actors filling out the cast; in fact, I've already plugged Paul Tei on this show in the past: Ken was a founding member of Tei's Madcat Theatre Company.
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