Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Broward StageDoor: Sugar (1 review)

Sugar runs through March 29th at the Broward Stage Door Theatre. It's based on the movie Some Like It Hot, which was a tremendously successful movie starring Jack Lemmon, Tony Curtis, and Marilyn Monroe.

Bill Hirschman reviewed it for the Sun-Sentinel;
The comic imagination and energy of director/star Dan Kelley are the primary assets in a show that has undeniably entertaining set pieces but never coalesces into a satisfying evening.

There are some promising elements at Stage Door: Kelley and Chizever have the essential charisma and the woebegone discomfort dressing up as women... Coyle is appropriately winsome if not as magnetic or touching as the prototype Marilyn Monroe; Livesey turns in another of his patented demented elf characterizations, and choreographer Chrissi Ardito's tap dancing substituting for machine gun fire is solid.

But being in the show makes it hard for Kelley the director to keep the evening flowing...

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