A newly discovered journal, filled with enigmatic entries, recalls Greenwich Village in the early 1960s when two young architects, unaware they’re on the brink of fame, struggle with plans for an important commission. But it’s left to their children, thirty years later, to sort out the mystery behind their lives - and loves.Margaret M. Ledford direct a cast that featured Matthew William Chizever, Terry Hardcastle, and Deborah L. Sherman.
It's easy to miss Phillip Valys' review; because the Sun-Sentinel has it buried. That's right, this review is NOT in the Culture section. It's not even in the Living section. No, to get to where the drooling mouth-breathers at the Sentinel tucked this original review, you'd have to click "Broward," then select "Davie," and only then do you find this review. I guess they didn't stick it in Culture where people who aren't idiots would place a review because they need the space to run a review from their major competitor.
Anyway, here's what Philip Varys had to say that apparently embarrassed the Sun-Sentinel so much that they hid the review; BTW, the first page is a complete waste of time, so we'll skip to the second page:
...we're catapulted to the 1960s, where a freewheeling Ned and Theo are savoring a brave new world of opportunity. Their careers are fresh, prospects bright and success within grasp. Even the bachelor apartment looks classy: an ornate clock adorns the wall, an antique refrigerator glimmers white, and Robert J. Coward's remarkable lighting shines a fitting glow into this one-bedroom abode of promise.
Dan Gelbmann's crisp set design fills every inch of Black Box Theatre to stress the intimacy of Greenberg's play...
Credit to Chizever and Sherman for carving detailed emotion into the double lives. Hardcastle steals every scene with his characters, from Ned's believable chronic stuttering to the minute inflections he gives to Walker's defeatist personality.Two pages of review, and that's all Phil has to say about this production.
Christine Dolen reviewed for The Miami Herald:
In The Promethean Theatre’s new production of Three Days of Rain, director Margaret M. Ledford and three artfully engaging actors deliver a beautifully shaded, first-rate interpretation of Greenberg’s mystery-laced script.
Creating a pair of related but different characters is a challenge good actors love, and Hardcastle, Sherman and Chizever do a persuasively detailed job of bringing to life six distinct people. Hardcastle’s Walker is a jumpy, unreliable soul; his Ned, a quiet dreamer whose demeanor hides an intensity. Sherman’s Nan is judgmental and emotionally complex, her Lina sultry and tempestuous. Chizever’s Pip is a fast-talking charmer, his Theo a driven man on the verge of torment.Roger Martin reviewed for Miami Artzine:
Three Days of Rain is a play that roils with interpersonal storms. But thanks to Ledford’s graceful, insightful direction and the top-notch work of a fine cast, Promethean’s production is an engrossing, moving experience.
...the first act of Richard Greenberg's Three Days of Rain is a torrent of memories, witty one-liners and nods to the Hegelian dialectic, Boolean algebra and pentimento, to name just a few of the esoteric seeds scattered throughout the piece. (Thank you, dramaturg Jane Duncan.)
Three Days of Rain is a dense, talky piece with a strangely abrupt ending but with Margaret M. Ledford's direction and the talents of the three actors, the show is entirely engrossing.The Promethean Theatre Company presents Three Days of Rain at Nova Southeast University's Black Box Theatre through June 5, 2011.
The production values at The Promethean are high; Dan Gelbmann's scenic design, Matt Corey's sound and Robert J. Coward's lighting add greatly to this excellent presentation.
I can tell you why Philip's review is buried, and it has nothing to do with the content of it. It's because the review wasn't written for the Sun Sentinel proper ... it was for the "Take 2" section of Forum newspapers, the Sentinel's collective of weekly newspapers (Philip's job as A&E editor for Forum Publishing is my old job, so I know all about this). Because of a really shoddy online distribution system, all of the content in these weekly papers must be divided by city, as if they were all local news items. As a result, unfortunately, most of the theater reviews tend to be ignored or unseen by the people who would most benefit from seeing them. Your critical comments about the Sentinel are always well-founded.
ReplyDeleteI actually do know that. And as you say, it's a really shoddy online system that can't sort it out, and poor management that lets it stand.
ReplyDeleteIt's pretty obvious that things like theatre reviews extend beyond the narrow confines of community, and the Sun-Sentinel betrays its readers when it fails to get the news to them, as it does in this case.