This modern classic follows the decline of a fading Southern belle and the sexy, beer-chugging barbarian responsible for her tragic fall.Ricky J. Martinez directed a cast that included Elise Girardin, Travis Reiff, Angie Radosh, Clint Hooper, Steven A. Chambers, Kitt Marsh, Dawn A. Plummer, John McGlothlin, and Charles Sothers.
Christine Dolen reviewed for The Miami Herald:
New Theatre’s effort, staged by artistic director Ricky J. Martinez, veers multiple times from serviceable to fulfilling.
The reliable, inventive Angie Radosh gets the plum role of faded Southern belle Blanche DuBois... Radosh conveys the many facets of a desperate woman’s character.
More impressive is Elise Girardin as Stella... Reed-thin and full of moxie, Girardin makes clear Stella’s erotic bond to her loud, quick-tempered husband. And that is some acting, as Travis Reiff’s Stanley is hardly a hunk in the manner of the first Stanley, the swoon-inducing young Marlon Brando. Reiff is almost low-key (except when he’s hollering “Stella!” and the like), and alongside the actresses playing the disparate DuBois sisters, he barely registers.
Sporadically, New Theatre’s Streetcar underscores the timeless power of a great play. But that thrill of rediscovering a classic? The excitement of watching a new group of actors bring famous characters to life? That’s not happening in Coral Gables.Roger Martin reviewed for Miami ArtZine:
Each of the actors has moments worth applauding and each at times seems directionless. Luckily the good bits outweigh the poor and this Tennessee Williams masterpiece is worth seeing despite the flaws.
Travis Reif's Stanley is a soft man with an occasionally violent temper rather than a cunning brute who abuses because it pleases him. He truly loves Stella and is all the weaker for it. As a result, his fury seems forced. There is little edge
Clint Hooper, a quiet, almost overly controlled actor, makes Mitch a shade, an out of place unlikely pal of Kowalski...
The two women, Elise Girardin as Stella and Angie Radosh as Blanche are much stronger. Girardin is a natural as Stella... Radosh is ultimately the star of the show as she makes the most of this chance to play the infamous Blanche...A Streetcar Named Desire plays at New Theatre through June 12, 2011.
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