As you must know by now if you read The Scene, The South Florida Theatre League has built an entry for The Great Coconut Grove Bed Race; you'll have a chance to see it the The Theatre at Arts Garage before their performance Beyond the Rainbow: Judy Garland at Carnegie Hall.
Speaking of the South Florida Theater League, they're holding Unified Auditions for its member companies on August 12. Contact the league for details.
Anyway, here's your Monday reading list:
A Double-A Collaboration
Florida Theater On Stage reports that Arts Garage will be hosting a series of live radio plays by Arts Radio Network.
“From Orson Welles and the thrilling Mercury Theatre broadcasts of the 1930’s to Guy Noir and the hilarity of A Prairie Home Companion, the radio play has been one of America’s most beloved art forms,” wrote Artistic Director Lou Tyrrell. These shows provide “a nostalgic trip to the past with a modern twist."
Another Opening of Another Concert Version
Palm Beach Daily News reminds us that Company opens this Wednesday at Palm Beach Dramaworks. If it's even half has good as their recent Man of La Mancha, it's going to be amazing.
What Price Art?
Butts In Seats discusses various pricing practices - it's largely a discussion about dynamic pricing - but the most important point is that patrons aren't looking for good prices, they are looking for good value.
The ultimate lesson is simple but not easy: “The customer never buys a product,” Drucker wrote. “The customer buys value.”A few months ago, I was talking to a theater-goer about ticket discounts, and he quickly corrected me: "I don't want discounts, I want extras. A free drink, complimentary parking, a seat upgrade - that's what I want."
He wanted additional value. What can you do to increase the value of your tickets for your patrons?
Kravis Announces its Season
The Palm Beach Daily News reminds us that we really need to find time to update our calender soon. The Kravis Center announced its season with a new website on August 1. Kravis on Broadway includes a few shows that we've seen before - War Horse, Sister Act, and Million Dollar Quartet have all toured through South Florida in the last couple of years, but Porgy and Bess hasn't been through as far as we can recall.
Wanna Work Backstage?
The Miami Herald reports that the Sheridan Technical Center is offering a stagehand training course
The Stage Production program features basic instruction in various facets of work that goes on behind the scenes. Topics range from theater jargon to manipulating a forklift. The program is geared as workforce education for adult students, ages 18 and older.
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